60th Reunion Planning Survey

In 2024 it will be 60 years since we gratuated from good ol' Montclair High School.  It will have been 5 years from our last reunion and a lot has happened - a pandemic, different places to live, new email addresses, grandkds, retirement, and more.  We are trying to plan a 60th Reunion and need to judge if there in enough interest to make it happen.  Please look and respond to the survey below.  The only information that will be visible to classmates in the preference total as the surveys are completed.- nothing associated to your name. This information will be very helpful to the committee in determining how we proceed and what works best for most of us.  Thank you for your time.

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   Are you interested in attending a 60th Anniversary for our high school class?

  Might be
  Not at all
2)   If you are not interested, what could we do to for you to reconsider?

3)   If yes, would you like a buffet dinner and free wine/beer?

  Depends on cost
  Not interested
4)   Is 4 hours enough?

  Let's go for 5
  Just right
5)   Do you have interest in an “Ice Breaker” Friday evening at a local pub at an additional cost?

  Count me in!
6)   If the reunion cost $75 per person to cover space, food and wine/beer, would you still be interested in attending?

  Needs to be less
7)   Do you feel our class website satisfies your needs?

  Needs some updating
8)   What can we do to make the website better?